~~NOCACHE~~ ====== Stock Report ====== Generated Tue May 10 15:39:47 EDT 2016. Ratings indicate whether a stock should be bought or sold. A rating of 0.5 means a stock should be held. A rating close to 1 means buy. A rating close to 0 means sell. ====== Currently Held Stocks ====== ^ Symbol ^ Rating ^ Buy ^ Sell ^ ====== Leads ====== ^ Symbol ^ Rating ^ Buy ^ Sell ^ Mass ^ Open Vs High^ | [[https://www.google.com/finance?q=STMP|$STMP]]((s STMP p 88.34 o 103.99 a2 692855)) | 0.214| 3| 11| 100| | [[https://www.google.com/finance?q=GE|$GE]]((s GE p 29.8700 o 29.9900 a2 33687500)) | 0.222| 2| 7| 100| | [[https://www.google.com/finance?q=TWTR|$TWTR]]((s TWTR p 14.20 o 14.17 a2 23893300)) | 0.333| 1| 2| 92| | [[https://www.google.com/finance?q=MGT|$MGT]]((s MGT p 0.4900 o 0.5380 a2 229861)) | 0.400| 4| 6| 100| | [[https://www.google.com/finance?q=BAC|$BAC]]((s BAC p 13.99 o 14.08 a2 116294000)) | 0.536| 15| 13| 100| | [[https://www.google.com/finance?q=RAX|$RAX]]((s RAX p 22.54 o 21.35 a2 2622340)) | 0.538| 7| 6| 100| | [[https://www.google.com/finance?q=SSYS|$SSYS]]((s SSYS p 20.79 o 20.65 a2 1428090)) | 0.575| 23| 17| 100| | [[https://www.google.com/finance?q=CNP|$CNP]]((s CNP p 21.68 o 21.71 a2 4234580)) | 0.625| 15| 9| 96| | [[https://www.google.com/finance?q=OPK|$OPK]]((s OPK p 10.2600 o 10.4800 a2 3935970)) | 0.786| 11| 3| 98| | [[https://www.google.com/finance?q=MXL|$MXL]]((s MXL p 16.4300 o 17.4300 a2 1285120)) | 0.810| 17| 4| 100| | [[https://www.google.com/finance?q=WWAV|$WWAV]]((s WWAV p 41.65 o 43.47 a2 1762170)) | 0.812| 13| 3| 100| | [[https://www.google.com/finance?q=TEVA|$TEVA]]((s TEVA p 52.81 o 53.06 a2 6306290)) | 0.857| 36| 6| 100| | [[https://www.google.com/finance?q=UA|$UA]]((s UA p 38.70 o 38.90 a2 6195740)) | 0.875| 7| 1| 93| | [[https://www.google.com/finance?q=ABBV|$ABBV]]((s ABBV p 63.70 o 63.51 a2 7163110)) | 0.947| 18| 1| 100| | [[https://www.google.com/finance?q=LC|$LC]]((s LC p 4.620 o 4.520 a2 8124960)) | 0.975| 39| 1| 100| | [[https://www.google.com/finance?q=KITE|$KITE]]((s KITE p 45.80 o 46.28 a2 1019350)) | 1.000| 7| 0| 100|