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Stock Report

Do not mistake temptation for opportunity.

Generated Tue Jul 03 09:19:00 EDT 2018.

Ratings are relative rankings calculated by finding the lower bound of Wilson score confidence interval. A rating value close to 1 means a higher probablity of a stock's price high vs price open hitting or exceeding Calculated Target.


Today's mood: 0.3672724809994444

Watched Stocks

Symbol Rating Buy Sell


These 16 stocks represent the top 2% of all considered stocks. 2% = 12

Symbol Rating Buy Sell Mass Min Max Mean Median Stdev Open Vs High
$TPR1) 0.851 22 0 5 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
$EMR2) 0.809 32 2 11 0.315% 1.300% 0.776% 0.695% 0.406
$STI3) 0.787 28 2 36 0.150% 1.296% 0.701% 0.721% 0.429
$GPS4) 0.764 19 1 55 0.000% 1.394% 0.731% 0.751% 0.512
$MNST5) 0.757 12 0 3 0.246% 1.226% 0.548% 0.515% 0.296
$SO6) 0.741 11 0 22 0.211% 1.423% 0.610% 0.525% 0.371
$ABT7) 0.721 128 34 223 0.110% 2.573% 0.785% 0.582% 0.691
$ROKU8) 0.702 14 1 47 11.444% 11.444% 11.444% 11.444% n/a
$MET9) 0.667 12 1 38 0.000% 1.298% 0.454% 0.454% 0.399
$KEY10) 0.659 66 21 310 0.293% 4.434% 2.111% 1.760% 1.300
$ELF11) 0.610 6 0 50 0.451% 7.103% 3.164% 3.032% 2.275
$PAYX12) 0.582 111 58 175 0.156% 1.484% 0.732% 0.562% 0.514
$RDN13) 0.566 5 0 35 0.000% 2.473% 1.191% 1.286% 0.895
$SEE14) 0.566 5 0 7 0.134% 2.391% 0.721% 0.474% 0.675
$DRE15) 0.565 8 1 4 0.000% 1.016% 0.449% 0.424% 0.350
$CSCO16) 0.548 14 4 28 0.000% 1.376% 0.637% 0.716% 0.480

















quote {symbol TPR companyName {Tapestry Inc.} primaryExchange {New York Stock Exchange} sector {Consumer Cyclical} calculationPrice close open 45.72 openTime 1530538348398 close 46.37 closeTime 1530561815655 high 46.39 low 45.56 latestPrice 46.37 latestSource Close latestTime {July 2, 2018} latestUpdate 1530561815655 latestVolume 2148527 iexRealtimePrice 0 iexRealtimeSize 0 iexLastUpdated 0 delayedPrice 46.37 delayedPriceTime 1530561815655 extendedPrice 46.37 extendedChange 0 extendedChangePercent 0 extendedPriceTime 1530563940081 previousClose 46.71 change -0.34 changePercent -0.00728 iexMarketPercent 0 iexVolume 0 avgTotalVolume 3435444 iexBidPrice 0 iexBidSize 0 iexAskPrice 0 iexAskSize 0 marketCap 13346107213 peRatio 31.12 week52High 55.5 week52Low 38.7 ytdChange 0.017244966858152883}
quote {symbol EMR companyName {Emerson Electric Company} primaryExchange {New York Stock Exchange} sector Industrials calculationPrice close open 68.5 openTime 1530538200305 close 69.44 closeTime 1530561915542 high 69.57 low 68.38 latestPrice 69.44 latestSource Close latestTime {July 2, 2018} latestUpdate 1530561915542 latestVolume 2488214 iexRealtimePrice 69.43 iexRealtimeSize 97 iexLastUpdated 1530561597537 delayedPrice 69.44 delayedPriceTime 1530561915542 extendedPrice 69.44 extendedChange 0 extendedChangePercent 0 extendedPriceTime 1530564121553 previousClose 69.14 change 0.3 changePercent 0.00434 iexMarketPercent 0.01909 iexVolume 47500 avgTotalVolume 2735558 iexBidPrice 0 iexBidSize 0 iexAskPrice 0 iexAskSize 0 marketCap 43753457377 peRatio 24.36 week52High 74.45 week52Low 57.47 ytdChange -0.0006051817078431094}
quote {symbol STI companyName {SunTrust Banks Inc.} primaryExchange {New York Stock Exchange} sector {Financial Services} calculationPrice close open 66.1 openTime 1530538300637 close 67.02 closeTime 1530561638527 high 67.03 low 65.82 latestPrice 67.02 latestSource Close latestTime {July 2, 2018} latestUpdate 1530561638527 latestVolume 2898870 iexRealtimePrice 0 iexRealtimeSize 0 iexLastUpdated 0 delayedPrice 67.02 delayedPriceTime 1530561638527 extendedPrice 66.683 extendedChange -0.337 extendedChangePercent -0.00503 extendedPriceTime 1530564784218 previousClose 66.02 change 1 changePercent 0.01515 iexMarketPercent 0 iexVolume 0 avgTotalVolume 2873813 iexBidPrice 0 iexBidSize 0 iexAskPrice 0 iexAskSize 0 marketCap 31152675515 peRatio 14.99 week52High 73.37 week52Low 51.96 ytdChange 0.06053584283648651}
quote {symbol GPS companyName {Gap Inc. (The)} primaryExchange {New York Stock Exchange} sector {Consumer Cyclical} calculationPrice close open 32.02 openTime 1530538200206 close 31.73 closeTime 1530561789975 high 32.25 low 31.375 latestPrice 31.73 latestSource Close latestTime {July 2, 2018} latestUpdate 1530561789975 latestVolume 5589323 iexRealtimePrice 31.72 iexRealtimeSize 182 iexLastUpdated 1530561595023 delayedPrice 31.73 delayedPriceTime 1530561789975 extendedPrice 31.73 extendedChange 0 extendedChangePercent 0 extendedPriceTime 1530564078000 previousClose 32.39 change -0.66 changePercent -0.02038 iexMarketPercent 0.04149 iexVolume 231901 avgTotalVolume 6790842 iexBidPrice 0 iexBidSize 0 iexAskPrice 0 iexAskSize 0 marketCap 12294408060 peRatio 15.48 week52High 35.68 week52Low 21.02 ytdChange -0.07594481569673306}
quote {symbol MNST companyName {Monster Beverage Corporation} primaryExchange {Nasdaq Global Select} sector {Consumer Defensive} calculationPrice previousclose open 57.23 openTime 1530538200927 close 57.58 closeTime 1530561600337 high 57.99 low 56.97 latestPrice 57.58 latestSource {Previous close} latestTime {July 2, 2018} latestUpdate 1530489600000 latestVolume 587 iexRealtimePrice 0 iexRealtimeSize 0 iexLastUpdated 0 delayedPrice 57.58 delayedPriceTime 1530561600337 extendedPrice 57.99 extendedChange 0.41 extendedChangePercent 0.00712 extendedPriceTime 1530621620080 previousClose 57.58 change 0 changePercent 0 iexMarketPercent 0 iexVolume 0 avgTotalVolume 3617488 iexBidPrice 0 iexBidSize 0 iexAskPrice 0 iexAskSize 0 marketCap 32399220002 peRatio 37.63 week52High 70.215 week52Low 47.61 ytdChange -0.08180513474724928}
quote {symbol SO companyName {Southern Company (The)} primaryExchange {New York Stock Exchange} sector Utilities calculationPrice previousclose open 46.42 openTime 1530538200716 close 46.9 closeTime 1530561753827 high 46.91 low 46.37 latestPrice 46.9 latestSource {Previous close} latestTime {July 2, 2018} latestUpdate 1530489600000 latestVolume 200 iexRealtimePrice 0 iexRealtimeSize 0 iexLastUpdated 0 delayedPrice 46.9 delayedPriceTime 1530561753827 extendedPrice 46.9 extendedChange 0 extendedChangePercent 0 extendedPriceTime 1530620289722 previousClose 46.9 change 0 changePercent 0 iexMarketPercent 0 iexVolume 0 avgTotalVolume 5513641 iexBidPrice 0 iexBidSize 0 iexAskPrice 0 iexAskSize 0 marketCap 47445194678 peRatio 14.48 week52High 53.51 week52Low 42.38 ytdChange 0.021437111924679304}
quote {symbol ABT companyName {Abbott Laboratories} primaryExchange {New York Stock Exchange} sector Healthcare calculationPrice close open 60.63 openTime 1530538241366 close 61 closeTime 1530561627970 high 61.02 low 60.32 latestPrice 61 latestSource Close latestTime {July 2, 2018} latestUpdate 1530561627970 latestVolume 4355252 iexRealtimePrice 0 iexRealtimeSize 0 iexLastUpdated 0 delayedPrice 61 delayedPriceTime 1530561627970 extendedPrice 61.25 extendedChange 0.25 extendedChangePercent 0.0041 extendedPriceTime 1530564760892 previousClose 60.99 change 0.01 changePercent 0.00016 iexMarketPercent 0 iexVolume 0 avgTotalVolume 5136032 iexBidPrice 0 iexBidSize 0 iexAskPrice 0 iexAskSize 0 marketCap 106944453726 peRatio 23.37 week52High 64.6 week52Low 47.83 ytdChange 0.04772998110939384}
quote {symbol ROKU companyName {Roku Inc.} primaryExchange {Nasdaq Global Select} sector {Communication Services} calculationPrice previousclose open 41.74 openTime 1530538200350 close 43.29 closeTime 1530561600412 high 43.29 low 40.55 latestPrice 43.29 latestSource {Previous close} latestTime {July 2, 2018} latestUpdate 1530489600000 latestVolume 264918 iexRealtimePrice 0 iexRealtimeSize 0 iexLastUpdated 0 delayedPrice 43.29 delayedPriceTime 1530561600412 extendedPrice 45.6 extendedChange 2.31 extendedChangePercent 0.05336 extendedPriceTime 1530623038352 previousClose 43.29 change 0 changePercent 0 iexMarketPercent 0 iexVolume 0 avgTotalVolume 8299691 iexBidPrice 0 iexBidSize 0 iexAskPrice 0 iexAskSize 0 marketCap 4397686382 peRatio -4.92 week52High 58.8 week52Low 15.75 ytdChange -0.16861916650662573}
quote {symbol MET companyName {MetLife Inc.} primaryExchange {New York Stock Exchange} sector {Financial Services} calculationPrice close open 43.35 openTime 1530538228021 close 43.58 closeTime 1530561911020 high 43.715 low 43.25 latestPrice 43.58 latestSource Close latestTime {July 2, 2018} latestUpdate 1530561911020 latestVolume 5634355 iexRealtimePrice 43.57 iexRealtimeSize 200 iexLastUpdated 1530561599853 delayedPrice 43.58 delayedPriceTime 1530561911020 extendedPrice 43.58 extendedChange 0 extendedChangePercent 0 extendedPriceTime 1530564097000 previousClose 43.6 change -0.02 changePercent -0.00046 iexMarketPercent 0.01109 iexVolume 62485 avgTotalVolume 6248229 iexBidPrice 0 iexBidSize 0 iexAskPrice 0 iexAskSize 0 marketCap 44300410695 peRatio 8.97 week52High 56.58 week52Low 43.25 ytdChange -0.11643413240508586}
quote {symbol KEY companyName KeyCorp primaryExchange {New York Stock Exchange} sector {Financial Services} calculationPrice close open 19.45 openTime 1530538209378 close 19.87 closeTime 1530561709473 high 19.87 low 19.391 latestPrice 19.87 latestSource Close latestTime {July 2, 2018} latestUpdate 1530561709473 latestVolume 7048041 iexRealtimePrice 19.87 iexRealtimeSize 100 iexLastUpdated 1530561592018 delayedPrice 19.87 delayedPriceTime 1530561709473 extendedPrice 19.87 extendedChange 0 extendedChangePercent 0 extendedPriceTime 1530564089000 previousClose 19.54 change 0.33 changePercent 0.01689 iexMarketPercent 0.01736 iexVolume 122354 avgTotalVolume 9390280 iexBidPrice 0 iexBidSize 0 iexAskPrice 0 iexAskSize 0 marketCap 21095253169 peRatio 13.9 week52High 22.4 week52Low 16.28 ytdChange 0.012820069369261044}
quote {symbol ELF companyName {e.l.f. Beauty Inc.} primaryExchange {New York Stock Exchange} sector {Consumer Defensive} calculationPrice previousclose open 15.25 openTime 1530538200304 close 16.36 closeTime 1530561722191 high 16.4 low 15.25 latestPrice 16.36 latestSource {Previous close} latestTime {July 2, 2018} latestUpdate 1530489600000 latestVolume 147 iexRealtimePrice 0 iexRealtimeSize 0 iexLastUpdated 0 delayedPrice 16.36 delayedPriceTime 1530561722191 extendedPrice 16.66 extendedChange 0.3 extendedChangePercent 0.01834 extendedPriceTime 1530622749874 previousClose 16.36 change 0 changePercent 0 iexMarketPercent 0 iexVolume 0 avgTotalVolume 523587 iexBidPrice 0 iexBidSize 0 iexAskPrice 0 iexAskSize 0 marketCap 776634623 peRatio 34.81 week52High 27.3068 week52Low 15.19 ytdChange -0.2702943800178413}
quote {symbol PAYX companyName {Paychex Inc.} primaryExchange {Nasdaq Global Select} sector Industrials calculationPrice close open 67.8 openTime 1530538200705 close 68.04 closeTime 1530561600437 high 68.65 low 67.24 latestPrice 68.04 latestSource Close latestTime {July 2, 2018} latestUpdate 1530561600437 latestVolume 3152195 iexRealtimePrice 68.01 iexRealtimeSize 100 iexLastUpdated 1530561593097 delayedPrice 68.04 delayedPriceTime 1530561600437 extendedPrice 68.04 extendedChange 0 extendedChangePercent 0 extendedPriceTime 1530564121584 previousClose 68.35 change -0.31 changePercent -0.00454 iexMarketPercent 0.0123 iexVolume 38772 avgTotalVolume 2234334 iexBidPrice 0 iexBidSize 0 iexAskPrice 0 iexAskSize 0 marketCap 24426360000 peRatio 29.58 week52High 73.1 week52Low 54.2 ytdChange 0.022928627776687194}
quote {symbol RDN companyName {Radian Group Inc.} primaryExchange {New York Stock Exchange} sector {Financial Services} calculationPrice close open 16.11 openTime 1530538200604 close 16.21 closeTime 1530561894355 high 16.23 low 15.91 latestPrice 16.21 latestSource Close latestTime {July 2, 2018} latestUpdate 1530561894355 latestVolume 2779806 iexRealtimePrice 16.215 iexRealtimeSize 100 iexLastUpdated 1530561597361 delayedPrice 16.21 delayedPriceTime 1530561894355 extendedPrice 16.21 extendedChange 0 extendedChangePercent 0 extendedPriceTime 1530562919956 previousClose 16.22 change -0.01 changePercent -0.00062 iexMarketPercent 0.02367 iexVolume 65798 avgTotalVolume 1581661 iexBidPrice 0 iexBidSize 0 iexAskPrice 0 iexAskSize 0 marketCap 3479013299 peRatio 7.95 week52High 23.49 week52Low 14.0574 ytdChange -0.22481032941998536}
quote {symbol SEE companyName {Sealed Air Corporation} primaryExchange {New York Stock Exchange} sector {Consumer Cyclical} calculationPrice close open 42.24 openTime 1530538200703 close 42.39 closeTime 1530561740821 high 42.53 low 41.96 latestPrice 42.39 latestSource Close latestTime {July 2, 2018} latestUpdate 1530561740821 latestVolume 2820912 iexRealtimePrice 0 iexRealtimeSize 0 iexLastUpdated 0 delayedPrice 42.39 delayedPriceTime 1530561740821 extendedPrice 42.39 extendedChange 0 extendedChangePercent 0 extendedPriceTime 1530564121552 previousClose 42.45 change -0.06 changePercent -0.00141 iexMarketPercent 0 iexVolume 0 avgTotalVolume 1733041 iexBidPrice 0 iexBidSize 0 iexAskPrice 0 iexAskSize 0 marketCap 6831527382 peRatio 22.31 week52High 49.94 week52Low 40.76 ytdChange -0.1373237014448322}
quote {symbol DRE companyName {Duke Realty Corporation} primaryExchange {New York Stock Exchange} sector {Real Estate} calculationPrice close open 29.02 openTime 1530538200205 close 28.74 closeTime 1530561676165 high 29.1 low 28.41 latestPrice 28.74 latestSource Close latestTime {July 2, 2018} latestUpdate 1530561676165 latestVolume 2399224 iexRealtimePrice 28.725 iexRealtimeSize 65 iexLastUpdated 1530561599919 delayedPrice 28.74 delayedPriceTime 1530561676165 extendedPrice 28.74 extendedChange 0 extendedChangePercent 0 extendedPriceTime 1530563640848 previousClose 29.03 change -0.29 changePercent -0.00999 iexMarketPercent 0.01288 iexVolume 30902 avgTotalVolume 2121992 iexBidPrice 0 iexBidSize 0 iexAskPrice 0 iexAskSize 0 marketCap 10261046224 peRatio 23.37 week52High 30.14 week52Low 24.3 ytdChange 0.07482895149266407}
quote {symbol CSCO companyName {Cisco Systems Inc.} primaryExchange {Nasdaq Global Select} sector Technology calculationPrice previousclose open 42.52 openTime 1530538200675 close 42.81 closeTime 1530561600380 high 42.83 low 42.2 latestPrice 42.81 latestSource {Previous close} latestTime {July 2, 2018} latestUpdate 1530489600000 latestVolume 18447 iexRealtimePrice 0 iexRealtimeSize 0 iexLastUpdated 0 delayedPrice 42.81 delayedPriceTime 1530561600380 extendedPrice 43.04 extendedChange 0.23 extendedChangePercent 0.00537 extendedPriceTime 1530623017797 previousClose 42.81 change 0 changePercent 0 iexMarketPercent 0 iexVolume 0 avgTotalVolume 21889998 iexBidPrice 0 iexBidSize 0 iexAskPrice 0 iexAskSize 0 marketCap 201330399568 peRatio 19.28 week52High 46.37 week52Low 30.36 ytdChange 0.11878572156582973}