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Stock Report

Generated Tue May 03 09:15:16 EDT 2016.

Ratings indicate whether a stock should be bought or sold. A rating of 0.5 means a stock should be held. A rating close to 1 means buy. A rating close to 0 means sell.

Currently Held Stocks

Symbol Rating Buy Sell


Symbol Rating Buy Sell
$MDP 0.154 2 11 1.35%
$SEE 0.333 6 12 0.48%
$SYY 0.500 3 3 1.05%
$MMSI 0.500 4 4 0.00%
$TWTR 0.538 7 6 0.21%
$EDR 0.571 4 3 0.61%
$HELE 0.571 4 3 1.68%
$SHEN 0.571 4 3 1.18%
$MNST 0.737 14 5 0.46%
$ETN 0.750 6 2 0.25%
$CEMP 0.846 11 2 3.57%
$PRGX 0.867 13 2 2.57%
$HEES 0.889 8 1 0.70%
$CHGG 0.933 14 1 2.08%
$NSP 1.000 7 0 4.80%
$ETM 1.000 8 0 1.45%