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tmux_battery_meter [2013/02/19 18:48]
zashi created
tmux_battery_meter [2013/02/19 18:56] (current)
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 +====== tmux Battery Meter ======
 +I spend most of my time working from a terminal within a tmux session. When on my laptop it's nice to have instant visual access to my battery charge and if I'm on AC or not. 
 +I wrote a little program that provides the battery'​s percent charge and shows a + if on AC and a - if running off the battery.
 +Amazingly enough, this is called tmux_bat_meter.
 +===== Building =====
 +This thing is pretty damn simple. To build it:
 +  gcc tmux_bat_meter.c -o tmux_bat_meter
 +===== Using =====
 +To use this in tmux, plunk the compiled binary in your path add this to your tmux.conf:
 +  set -g status-right '#​(tmux_bat_meter) #​[fg=blue]%H:​%M#​[default]'​
 +This puts tmux_bat_meter in the right hand part of the status bar. See below for a screenshot.
 +===== Screenshot =====
 +===== Source =====
 +<file c tmux_bat_meter.c>​
 +#include <​stdio.h>​
 +#include <​string.h>​
 +#include <​unistd.h>​
 +#define AC_PATH "/​sys/​class/​power_supply/​AC/​online"​
 +#define BAT_FULL "/​sys/​class/​power_supply/​BAT0/​energy_full"​
 +#define BAT_NOW "/​sys/​class/​power_supply/​BAT0/​energy_now"​
 +#define BAT_FULL2 "/​sys/​class/​power_supply/​BAT0/​charge_full"​
 +#define BAT_NOW2 "/​sys/​class/​power_supply/​BAT0/​charge_now"​
 +int main(void)
 + unsigned int ac;
 + float bat_full, bat_now;
 + FILE *fp;
 + /* are we on AC? */
 + fp = fopen(AC_PATH,​ "​r"​);​
 + fscanf(fp, "​%d",​ &ac);
 + fclose(fp);​
 + /* get current charge and max charge */
 + if ( (! (fp = fopen( BAT_FULL, "​r"​))) &&
 + (! (fp = fopen(BAT_FULL2,​ "​r"​))) )
 + {
 + fprintf(stderr,​ "Could not open BAT_FULL/​2\n"​);​
 + return(1);​
 + }
 + fscanf(fp, "​%f",​ &​bat_full);​
 + fclose(fp);​
 + if ( (! (fp = fopen( BAT_NOW, "​r"​))) &&
 + (! (fp = fopen(BAT_NOW2,​ "​r"​))) )
 + {
 + fprintf(stderr,​ "Could not open BAT_NOW/​2\n"​);​
 + return(2);​
 + }
 + fscanf(fp, "​%f",​ &​bat_now);​
 + fclose(fp);​
 + printf("​%c%2.0f%%",​ ac ? '​+'​ : '​-',​ (bat_now * 100) / bat_full);
 + return(0);