Stock Report

Generated Wed Apr 27 07:16:49 EDT 2016.

Ratings indicate whether a stock should be bought or sold. A rating of 0.5 means a stock should be held. A rating close to 1 means buy. A rating close to 0 means sell.

Currently Held Stocks

Symbol Rating Buy Sell
$GCI 1.000 80 0 +6.83%
$HYF 0.500 0 0 +0.00%
$NTAP 0.583 7 5 +0.53%
$IVR 0.833 5 1 +0.87%
$AGNC 0.143 1 6 -0.137%
$NLY 0.500 1 1 +0.29%


Symbol Rating Buy Sell
$CBZ 0.000 0 2 +0.80%
$AOS 0.000 0 4 -0.73%
$LLL 0.000 0 7 +5.04%
$R 0.273 3 8 +2.74%
$UTX 0.381 8 13 +1.11%
$GIB 0.500 0 0 -1.55%
$LRN 0.500 0 0 +17.308%
$WX 0.500 0 0 N/A
$TWTR 0.518 100 93 -16.11%
$CI 0.600 6 4 -0.8725%
$JNJ 0.809 72 17 +0.07%
$BXP 0.833 5 1 -0.11%
$NS 1.000 1 0 +5.103%
$RDN 1.000 1 0 +4.95%
$KTOV 1.000 3 0 +5.7837%
$MPX 1.000 5 0 -0.35%